adj. Relating to an angry, unruly mob, particularly one seeking vengeance.
President-elect Obama has signaled his disinterest in show trials of the sort proposed by House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, D-Detroit. Obama argues persuasively that the new administration has bigger fish to fry, and better ways to let the world know there's a new sheriff in town.
Meanwhile, the outgoing president could pre-empt the torch-and-pitchfork crowd by issuing blanket pardons for Dick Cheney, ex-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and others.
Meanwhile, the outgoing president could pre-empt the torch-and-pitchfork crowd by issuing blanket pardons for Dick Cheney, ex-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and others.
Before the game was over, the howls had begun. That Delhomme was able to walk out of the stadium on his own two feet Sunday is the first testament to his resilience, since the torch-and-pitchfork crowd hadn't gotten him yet.
1990 (earliest)
Phil, buddy, I know where you and your audience are coming from. Most upstanding, level-headed Americans, such as yourself (or the character you play) think art is what you learned at your kindergarten teacher's knee.
There's more to it, you know. But I'm sure you're not going to examine the issue too deeply as long as there is mileage in rousing the torch-and-pitchfork, salt-of-the-earth types.
There's more to it, you know. But I'm sure you're not going to examine the issue too deeply as long as there is mileage in rousing the torch-and-pitchfork, salt-of-the-earth types.