n. A person who cuts his or her meat consumption in half.
Other Forms
Mr. Sutton, who is with the Natural Environment Research Council in Britain, said people in rich Western countries ate too much meat and could reduce their environmental footprint by cutting back. Mr. Sutton is advocating that people become demitarians — cutting their meat consumption in half.
—Christopher F. Schuetze, “Would You Cut Down on Meat to Help the Environment?,” The New York Times, February 22, 2013
People in the rich world should become "demitarians" — eating half as much meat as usual, while stopping short of giving it up — in order to avoid severe environmental damage, scientists have urged, in the clearest picture yet of how farming practices are destroying the natural world.
—Fiona Harvey, “Halve meat consumption, scientists urge rich world,” The Guardian, February 18, 2013
2009 (earliest)
Implement this commitment through promotion of the 'demitarian' option, which we define as a meal containing half the amount of meat or fish compared with the normal local alternative, combined with a correspondingly larger amount of other food products.
—“The Barsac Declaration: Environmental Sustainability and the Demitarian Diet,” European Science Foundation, November 23, 2009