n. A person who purposefully reduces the amount of meat in their diet.
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But if the term reducetarian hasn't taken widespread hold quite yet, it's still great timing: Periodic meatlessness is trendy enough that Beyonce publicly goes without sometimes.
—Arin Greenwood, “Love Bacon AND Animals? 'Reducetarianism' May Be For You,” The Huffington Post, March 06, 2015
This is how the new "reducetarian" diet was created: reduce the quantity of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal) we eat and choose better quality meat when we eat it.
—“Italy: Reducetarian diet,” Fresh Plaza, January 23, 2015
Semi-Mostly Vegetarians and Flexitarians, Meet Reducetarians
—Samantha Olson, “Meat-Eaters And Vegetarians Meet In The Middle: The Birth Of 'Reducetarianism',” Medical Daily, January 06, 2015
2014 (earliest)
Reducetarians are a community of people committed to reducing their meat consumption. It's healthy, easy, & good.
—Reducetarian, “Reducetarians are…,” Twitter, June 13, 2014
The term "reducetarian" was coined by Brian Kateman of Columbia University.