n. The systematic killing of the members of a country's general population.
More broadly, if Plaintiffs' Complaints are entertained in this case, what might the future liability of commercial banks or other businesses, doing business with, including accepting deposits from, the former Soviet Union, China, Japan, Germany, the former Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, Turkey or other Nations whose Governments have in the past contributed to massive "democide" in the Twentieth Century—not to mention the lesser human rights violators?
—Anita Ramasastry, “Secrets and lies? Swiss banks and international human rights,” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, March 01, 1998
It might be funny if it weren't for the dismal figure that Pipes cites as conspiracism's 20th century theoretical body count: 169 million. (See the chapter entitled "Conspiracism's Costs") The term is "democide," new to us: "mass murder outside the context of warfare … 62 million in the Soviet Union, 35 million killed by Communist Chinese, 21 million by the Nazis, 10 million by the Chinese nationalists, and 6 million by the Japanese militarists"
—Christopher Buckley, “Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From,” Washington Monthly, November 01, 1997
1993 (earliest)
The Balts would be delighted if the Russian troops and colonists left their countries voluntarily, in a civilized manner of course. But it would be expecting too much to expect the Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians simply to forget their recent history of 'democide.'
—Arthur O. Zemitis, “Russia still threatens its independent Baltic neighbors,” Hamilton Spectator, November 12, 1993
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