n. The study of the relationship between health and geography.
New Orleans served as more than just the location for APHA's 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition in November. It also served as an example of healthography, or the idea that where you live can affect your health. New Orleans is a city renowned for its cuisine, but some of its residents do not have access to fresh and healthy food. That can have influence on their health.
—Lindsey Wahowiak, “Role of food in healthography apparent,” The Nation's Health, January 15, 2015
RT @PennNursing: Mapping the #Urban #HIV Epidemic: Role of Geobehavioral Vulnerability #APHA14 #healthography
—“RT @PennNursing…,” Twitter, January 02, 2015
Local residents received Propeller’s inhaler sensors that tracked the frequency, time and location of inhaler use for 13 months, collecting more than 5,400 rescue inhaler use events. These data were then de-identified and combined with more than 40 socioeconomic and environmental data layers, and hotspots of high asthma inhaler use were identified.

In this proof-of-concept pilot, we showed that collecting real-time, geographically explicit data on asthma is incredibly valuable for individuals, for their doctors, for local decision-makers and for the community at large.
—Meredith Barrett, “Is Louisville, Kentucky, the New Face of Asthma Healthography?,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, November 17, 2014
2013 (earliest)
Next year's APHA Annual Meeting will be held Nov. 15-19, 2014, in New Orleans, themed "Healthography: How where you live affects your health and wellbeing."
—“American Public Health Association concludes its 141st Annual Meeting in Boston,” American Public Health Association, November 06, 2013
An earlier, apparently unrelated, example appears in the online post titled MedHelp Healthography: 2012 Baby-Making Data, which is dated February 15, 2013. Another earlier but unrelated citation is the blog called Healthography, which lasted for all of three posts back in March 2013.