n. An area where exercise programs and facilities are either non-existent or unaffordable.
This is the reality of life inside what Holt described as an “exercise desert.” She explained these are “places where there are conditions that do not support being physically active, based on the social demographic conditions and the daily realities for those who live in particular neighborhoods or communities.”
The USA is an Exercise desert! STOP, Ride every day!
But food is not the only health issue that the metaphor of a “Desert” can be applied to Bronx residents, especially young people, have so much difficulty finding opportunities for sports and recreation in the neighborhoods and their schools that the Borough can be described as an Exercise Desert as well.
2011 (earliest)
The researchers blame part of the decline on a lack of indoor exercise facilities for the urban elderly. Just as cities have food deserts, they also have exercise deserts and the lack of convenient places to exercise grows during the year's colder months.