n. Unnecessary or inappropriate items donated to a charity organization or relief effort.
In Indonesia, 4,000 tonnes of donated drugs arrived after the tsunami, well beyond local needs, said Jason Nickerson, a University of Ottawa PhD candidate studying health care in humanitarian crises. Most of those drugs weren't required, were labelled in foreign languages or were close to expiry. They overwhelmed the capacity of local incinerators to dispose of them. The problem is known by the acronym SWEDOW: Stuff We Don't Want.
—Tu Thanh Ha, “Thanks all the same, but we're okay for socks,” The Globe and Mail, March 18, 2011
The latest SWEDOW dump came in the form of a massive donation from the NFL to the Christian relief group World Vision.

After the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl, the NFL was stuck with thousands of T-shirts heralding the Pittsburgh Steelers as champs. The league donated the merchandise to World Vision, which in turn plans to ship it to Armenia, Nicaragua, Romania and Zambia.
—Cathleen Falsani, “A home for things we don't want,” Times Union, February 19, 2011
2010 (earliest)
Logic and reason do not seem to have worked. So I’m turning to humor, or at least my version of it. May not get the idiots to stop sending their crap to the third world as "aid", but it will be fun. I’m starting a hashtag. …

Stuff We Don’t Want (SWEDOW)

Add your thoughts in the comments thread below this post, or tweet your captions, slogans, bad GIK ideas to #SWEDOW
—J, “#SWEDOW,” Tales from the Hood, April 20, 2010