n. The study of the content, structure, and interconnections of the web.
I bought into all that Webology; I loved the notion I was helping to create a parallel universe that would be a just and fairer world. I took a special delight in the architectural metaphor of the Net where you could surf into all kinds of places; you could go deep into the forest but always find your way back to your home page at the click of a button.
—Ken Wiwa, “My big fat geek Web world is being taken over!,” The Globe and Mail (Canada), January 04, 2003
Some warn that librarianship itself is in danger of being replaced by information science and technology, referred to by one as "Webology"
—Eric Novotny, “Music Librarianship at the Turn of the Century,” Libraries & Culture, January 01, 2003
1999 (earliest)
As the world is increasingly coming to appreciate, physical space and cyberspace operate according to different rules. In what they describe as a new science of Webology, computer scientists at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in Silicon Valley recently funneled a large portion of the Web, about 55 million pages (leaving out the pictures), onto 400 billion bytes of disk space. Held in captivity in Palo Alto, this Web in a Box is poked and prodded, studied like a great beast—or, to use the metaphor the researchers prefer, like an ecosystem.
—George Johnson, “Shall I Compare Thee to a Swarm of Insects?,” The New York Times, April 11, 1999
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